Career opportunities in the Harrogate and Yorkshire area
We can help you find that perfect new job role
Passionate and dedicated to help you secure the right position. We offer a supportive, knowledgeable and professional service.
We understand that searching countless job sites can be time consuming.
At Unity Resourcing we have streamlined the job search process to make it easy for you.
If you’re looking for a new role you’ve come to the right place. With our collective industry experience and knowledge of the local marketplace, Unity Resourcing are the ones to help you move your career forward. Working alongside some dynamic brands, we will give you access to opportunities with the companies you would really like to work for.
We offer roles from the mailroom to the boardroom, we listen, we nurture, we succeed in helping you manage your career. We offer CV advice, detailed interview preparation, share local job market knowledge and will support you to job offer stage and beyond.
We take time to get to know you, your skills and experience and your long-term career aspirations, thus ensuring that we provide positions that meet with all your expections. We will also approach companies on your behalf where we feel there is good synergy!
With positions available for permanent, contract, part-time and freelance we are well covered to assist you in finding the right position.

Working with you to help you grow your career…
- You will be dealing with a professional and qualified consultant who has extensive knowledge of the local marketplace
- We are approachable, friendly and will provide you with honest and constructive feedback to help you secure the role you want
- We have worked closely with many of our clients over a number of years, and have an in depth knowledge of the company, the background and the culture
- We will provide you with all of this information so you can make an informed decision, we are not a round peg square hole recruiter, we will only submit your details to roles where there is a skills requirement and cultural fit.
- A face to face interview with a professional and qualified consultant – Please bring a CV and proof of ID (e.g. passport or full birth certificate)
- Your details will be treated with total confidentiality and we would always speak to you about a role before submitting your CV to a client
- We will provide you with an in depth interview preparation, giving you professional advice on how to prepare so you can attend your interview with total confidence
- Following an interview with our client we will provide you with detailed constructive feedback
- We make a commitment to you that we will identify roles that suit your requirements, skills and experience, we will also be proactive with your details and speak to prospective clients with your permission
- Whilst we do all we can to find that perfect role for all our candidates it is unfortunately not always possible to make that match depending on market demands at that time. However we will always keep in touch with you and advise you on how we are getting on and we encourage you to do the same
- The information you provide to us is correct, up to date and given with integrity
- During the registration process you keep us fully informed of any job changes, promotions, secondments or additional qualifications
- Contact your consultant following your interview with a client and provide full feedback
- Please let us know of any address or contact detail changes
- If you find work yourself please let us know that you are no longer looking